After two full-fledged years of Covid 19 and its terror, the last thing we all want is another global pandemic. Yes, it was fun when the entire family used to sit down together and play games, cook delicious new recipes, and connect on personal levels.
But we surely haven’t forgotten what it did to our pockets and the overall economy. Millions of people died, and many families were shattered.
Although the situation is nowhere near today, the new virus Monkeypox, if not taken seriously soon, might take us all in again. Before the virus spreads worldwide rapidly, let us learn about it. Let’s see what all we can do on an individual basis to keep ourselves and others around us safe.
What is Monkeypox?
Declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), Monkeypox is a virus infection that is a member of the smallpox family. It has been affecting humans since April 2022.
Currently, over 20 thousand confirmed cases across the world. Although the outbreak was initially in African countries, it has now widened its area, and Europe is leading with almost 85% of the total cases.
Monkeypox virus has two strains: A West African mild strain and a Central African severe strain. The mortality rate of the mild one, which is infecting people currently, is 1-3.6 %.
Monkeypox Symptoms
Monkeypox virus infection symptoms usually last for 2 to 4 weeks in the human body. It initially starts showing up as fever, backache, swollen lymph nodes, muscle ache, and exhaustion.
With time, you start seeing small red spots on hands, legs, face, genitals, anus, and even other parts of the body.
These rashes look like a little advanced form of pimple and are painful and itchy at the same time. So, if you suspect anything like it on your body or someone around you, head to the nearest hospital right away.
How Does Monkeypox Spread?
Monkeypox spreads a lot like Covid 19, except it is not an airborne virus. You can get this disease if you go kin-to-skin, surface-to-surface, face-to-face, and even during any sexual contact. It can enter a body through the nose, eyes, mouth, and skin.
A report on Europe cases states that the majority of people with the virus are men who are involved in homosexual activities.
Therefore, if you know anyone who is infected with Monkeypox, remember to keep your distance and do not touch anything around them until disinfected.
How Dangerous is Monkeypox, and can children get it?
To put it out there clearly, no, Monkeypox is not a deadly disease. However, its symptoms go away in days, but there is a chance that people with the critical condition might not heal. Currently, the death rate of Monkeypox in the world is 3-6%.
This clearly means that if we do not start being careful, it can show serious consequences. This is why it is better to avoid getting in close contact with people and going to crowded spaces.
If we talk about Monkeypox in kids, yes, it can happen, but the chances are very low. This virus is majorly found in adults. The US recently reported 2 cases in toddlers, while the active cases in the country are 3,487.
Monkeypox and Travel Restrictions
As of now, there are no expectations of border closures or flight cancellations because of Monkeypox. But, if you have it, you cannot boar a flight and would have to go under isolation until the symptoms go away.
Places like Belgium have mandated a quarantine for 21 days for the people infected.
How to Travel Safely Without Catching Monkeypox?
Although Monkeypox is not out there yet and is there is no reason to cancel your travel plans. But there are precautions that you can take to keep yourself safe on flights and other public transportations.
Whenever you plan to travel, Flightaura appeals to you to sanitize and maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands and keep a safe distance from people in crowds. Also, if you are sexually active and are on vacation, remember to have safe sex.
According to WHO advise, “Don’t touch live or dead wild animals. Do not touch or eat products that come from wild animals. Avoid touching materials, such as bedding, that have been used by animals.
Even though you are up and healthy right now, why risk it?Monkeypox and Social Gatherings
When WHO suggested canceling or postponing all the upcoming events with huge gatherings, Dr. Kluge, the regional director of WHO, Europe, stated otherwise since one of the most prevalent modes of Monkeypox spread is a sexual contract, WHO recommended canceling events with young, sexually active individuals in a large amount.
However, according to Dr. Kluge, “Venue closure or event cancellation does not reduce sexual contact but rather shifts the activities to other settings, including private parties, which are less accessible to community outreach or public health interventions.”
Monkeypox can become a global pandemic if people do not start taking it seriously. The cases are spread across 77 countries, and new cases are coming up every day. It is better to be precautious now than cry later.
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Matthew Baron is a seasoned travel consultant and writer, currently working with Flightaura to help travelers navigate the complexities of baggage policies, flight changes, and cancellation policies. With a deep understanding of the travel industry and a wealth of experience in travel planning, Matthew has become a trusted advisor to many travelers seeking to make the most of their trips.